I decided to watch the whole season to give it a fair review. Although there were a few entertaining moments (very few) it felt like the Alexia show. Although her older sister, Farrah is in the show, you get the idea that she is Cinderella in the sense that she handles a good majority of the day to day office work because Mauricio is too busy. Alexia gets things handed to her, spends her time invested in office gossip, playing ping pong and going out to lunch. And to top it off she doesn't understand why people think she is the office spoiled brat and unapproachable.
I though it would include more sales of homes that they show us. No in reality we see beautiful decadent homes that never sell or we don't actually see the sale. A few open houses, a lot of drinking and of course office gossip but actually selling, who has time? However we do see the family home sold by Alexia who was... big surprise given the listing.
Well if you are actually interested in seeing homes sold choose another option. If your only wish is to go from Alexia's issue to issue with other office gossip thrown in then this is the show for you.
My advice to the show's producers, at least be honest and change the name to the Alexia Umansky show with guest appearances by Cinderella and Mauricio.