Damages the sting against the culprits of this documentary, namely boeing and the FAA.because if these accidents hadnt happened, there wouldnt have been a topic making a documentary on. I do really cry with and for the victims because im one of those who actually are scared of flying an airplane and wants air safety to be top, therefore its deadly important that docu's like this is made and spread out to the world, and the top priority must be to tell us ...WHY????
Therefore i praise people like dominic gates et.co. Doing the knitwork, done with yarn delivered by edward pierson and others, risking their life and reputation and working carreers for all of us that has to fly once in a while, saving thousands of lifes from future crashes and failures when airplanes are produced and assembled according to the new norm of work management, save a screw or save every second rivet in the fuselage to save a buck, thank you ,thank you, thank you for doing this.
The most practical solutions to the mcas issue, must be one or both out of 2 options, that boeing turn and gives real time flightsimulator training to the airlines using any type of boeing machines, and that especially that FAA sets as an absolute minimum demand that simulator training is given anyhow and regularly(per year /every 2nd year etc) to all and everybody that shall steer/manouver new aircraft models and it forthcoming variants. So lets all hope that these issues will be taken care of, as well as i blame the corrupt lobbyists in the governmental corridors of washington. Flight safety costs more than a life is worth, do take the consequence and responsibility now...
A must see docu, says the grumpy old man if youre a novice in the trade, couldve been far more technically advanced on the flying issues.