Welcome to the enchanting and magical hamlet known as Sanctuary, a place supposedly dedicated to providing solace and haven for witches against persecution. Basking in the town's benevolence is the presence of a lone witch family, as the beacon of all magical prowess. Not just any ordinary witch family, mind you; the illustrious Fenn family is one where the manifestation of witch power appears to have escaped both the character's mother and daughter. Yes, you heard it right - leaving the protagonist, Sarah Fenn, as the sorcerous elite, and the official representative of witchforce and witchdom in a town, that has a grand total of one officially registered witch. Bravo, Sarah!
Of course, the makers decided to christen both the town and the series with the grandiose title "Sanctuary", because nothing says magical refuge like a place with just one witch, right? But wait, there's more! In this modern benevolent utopia, anyone can casually point fingers at anyone else, accusing them of witchcraft. It's like a community potluck, but instead of bringing casseroles, you bring accusations of spellcasting. How quaint!
And then there is the real star of the show - Abigail Whithall, the grieving mother, the narcissistic friend, the cheating wife, the blackmailing neighbour, what-have-you. Her performance is so stellar that it makes you want to enroll in an anger management class to cope with the desire to repeatedly punch her in the face. Ah, the wonders of brilliant acting - or as I like to call it, facial-punch-worthy theatrics.
Cheers to the magical-bewitching world of Sanctuary!