The show has potential and the competitors are actually very funny and sweet! But oh. My . God. The judges drive me INSAINE. They are so unlikeable and their behaviour drives me absolutely insaine. They have a severe lack of humour and any humour they have is cringe worthy, the poor competitors are so clearly fake laughing at each hosts "jokes". Sure they have their scripts , they just make the whole audience cringe intensely. They don't have the right energy or behaviour for public speaking, public entertaining or anything to do with hosting. As you can tell these hosts were a bad choice. I found myself skipping over each hosts talking often being annoyed by the nasally screaming at the screen. Even the way they are randomly fidgeting during their few standing scenes is so awkward it makes this hard to watch. Almost looks like they chose random people for the roles and went with it. Could go on and on but they are just trying to do their jobs, they were just the wrong choice for this particular job.