An extremely well done Superman story that touches on the major moral aspects of a superhero as powerful as Superman.
I should start out by saying I was NOT looking forward to this movie based on the previews I had seen, and after watching the movie I was VERY impressed with how it turned out. Does a great job of talking about the grey area of Superman's moral code of not killing anyone and if that is the right way to go in today's world.
Batman and Superman both don't kill, and as a result their villains ALWAYS escape and cause more harm, so why NOT end the monsters right there and save everyone for good? That's the central theme, and it presents it in an intelligent way with plenty of interesting and unique action. The animation is pretty good, and I actually ended up preferring this Superman visual style than the other Animated-Series style Superman.
The action was all great, felt like they made really good use of Superman's powers and strength... which sometimes they forget to do.
The story really kept me interested and I didn't really know how it was going to all end, and was surprised at how into it I was at the end and really wanted to see how it all turned out.
I would put this up right next to the Batman/Superman animated movie.
8.5 out of 10.