Let me just get this out of the way right away. There is no reason to watch this movie except for the violence. The stories, and yes that's plural "stories" have barely anything going on in them besides gratuitous violence. And now i don't have any real problem with gore for the sake of gore but in this film it's not done particularly well. It mostly comes off looking pretty goofy. And you can't have fun with it because most of the subject matter is pretty bleak. In one scene for example they have a kid who looks to be about 8 years old getting punched repeatedly by a man. And as messed up as scene like that is your kinda taking out of it because how fake the punches look. And the acting is just atrocious! And none of it is helped by the horrible dialog that these actors have to spew through this garbage.
Look this movie is bad! The only reason I gave it a 2 is because of the baby rip out scene in the beginning and the fact that there's a lot of violence. Besides that this movie is waste of time.