The full cast is back for part one of the third book in Sylvain Reynard's Gabriel Inferno series, Gabriel's Redemption, about the Dante professor and the grad student.
The wedding has occurred and now Gabriel and Julia are settling down into married life. Gabriel is eager to start a family and Julia, while open to his complete 180, wants to wait until she is done with grad school. Conflict arises over Julia's prepared paper and subsequent presentation at an invitational Dante convention in Florence...both with Gabriel, who thinks her writing contradicts his and the evil Christa, who shows up again like a bad penny.
Tosca Musk has really put a lot of love and care into the production of this series and it shows. The characters are fully fleshed out, staying true to the original source material.
As a romance reader and aficionado, I have loved following along with the series and I think other fans will be thrilled as well. A huge Passionflix fan, I really appreciate the care in which the steamier scenes are handled. Often erotic love is bypassed for storyline progression and as a romantic...I am often left wanting. Which is why Passionflix has been a breath of fresh air (or should I say sigh?).
I am excited to see the rest of the series and I think romantics and fans of the series alike will not be disappointed.