Starring Vijay Antony, Siddharth Venugopal and Rupa Manjari in the lead roles, the film is directed by Jeeva Shankar.
Jeeva has made this film after learning all the homework required for a crime thriller film! In terms of acting, everyone has put in a great performance.
Naan tells the story of a young man named Karthik, who excelled in his studies from an early age, has to face many unexpected things in his life.
The film takes the audience through the complexities and problems he experiences.
He is on his way to Chennai, accidentally gets into a bus accident. Then he finds out that the young man sitting in the next seat is dead, Karthik grabs the box containing his certificates and money without thinking right or wrong.
Karthik, who is starting to live at the address of the deceased, had many challenges to overcome.
The film then shows how Karthik faces those challenges.
If we leave the logic in some scenes, we can see that it has moved a little bit away from the regular story of such films in Tamil.