As far as crime-horror-thrillers go...this isn't half bad.
Though, it's quite cliche.
The whole story takes place in, and around, a diner, run by a man and his daughter, in a small town, where oppourtunities aren't exactly omnipresent.
So, when a series of events leads to one of the employees getting fired...things get a little out of control.
Which is to say, an understatement.
As one thing leads to another...and violence ensues.
The whole thing is entertaining enough, but it's certainly not without it's faults.
Because, on top of ruining the mystery far too early...the "twist" is ridiculously implausible.
And kind of ruins the whole last bit of the film.
The film then ends on a note that- while it does make sense- really forces you to dig deep in order to grasp the meaning.
Which I feel flies over most viewers heads.
As it seems, almost randomly, thrown in as the conclusion.
That being said, it's not a horrible film.
Even if you don't "get" the can still be entertained by the violence-laden journey, in a mindless sort of way.
But it's definitely not great, either.
As, like I mentioned above, I think clarity will elude most viewers.
4 out of 10.