Manifesto of a Serial Killer is one of the better mini-series documentaries by the Oxygen channel (NBCUniversal Television and Streaming). It delves into the spree of murders and tortures committed by Leonard Lake and Charles Chat Ng, and also, deservedly so, points the finger directly at Lake's ex-wife whose exculpation may be one the greatest travesties / miscarriages of justice within the American Judicial System, to date.
Even for True Crime aficionados, Manifesto of a Serial Killer is not easy to watch. Less so, is it easy to understand the level of depravity that some humans are capable of, and that are depicted not in reenactments, but from real recordings and footage.
If you are not familiar with the case (as I was not), you will be shocked that this is not a case which is more well-known. If you are aware of the case, you will certainly learn more than what you thought you knew of it.
Either way, you can't help but be affected by it.