It never fails. Every single found footage movie that exists, look at it's reviews and you are guaranteed to find some absolute tools, leaving negative reviews while openly admitting to hating the genre in the first place. If you hate it why do you watch it? I hate musicals and you will never see me leaving reviews les miserabe or Grease. You know why? Because i would never waste my time watching something I can't stand, let alone taking the time to leave a review for it.
When I look at user reviews it's nice to get an idea if the movie is terrible or not. When idiots who are going to leave negative reviews no matter of its good or not, it skews those reviews for those of us that do. Please stop. You aren't impressing anyone. We all hate you and would tell you so if you could leave replys.
Movie was pretty good. If you like the genre, chances are you will like this film.