So we can go on and on about how amazing this movie was. The acting is PERFECT, and so is the directing and writing and cinematropghy and casting-- just- perfect! But i do unfortunaklly have one problem... its that i wasnt in this movie! How come i couldnt be meatball?? I was the one that they told couldve been casted. And not to throw shade on anybidy but that lady said i would "definitley be getting the role" and that "theyll email me soon" but guerss what? 7 years later. And im STILL waiting for that email... or, at least, i WAS. I was scrolling through the list of americas greatest movies and saw this gem, i thought itd bve fun to watch. However, though it was a perfect movie, i relized that this was the very movie that THEY TOLD ME i would be cast for. Disguisting buisness practices and horrible filmmaskers and horrendous casting directors, but, overall good movie.