Usually, whenever you deal with watching big budget films that deal with this kind of subject or topic, it comes off a little too surreal and over done with the acting and how they are in recovery. But, not with this film. Both of the characters came across as if, they were dealing with something very personal at the time that gave them the motivation to portray these characters perfectly. I myself, have dealt with friends and family members that have gone through recovery from different substances, and have fallen off the wagon, multiple times. So, it is refreshing to see , these characters dealing with their situation's realistically and I honestly feel that this film is way above any multi million dollar budget recovery film that may be out there. It's also refreshing to see a recovery film that doesn't have to use religion to interject itself into the film itself ! Because not, everybody needs God to pull through. I watch this multiple times, and I've shown some of my friends that are also dealing with addiction, and abuse, as well.