"Mage Tamoom Chand Ta Bahar" is an Iranian comedy TV series that has received more criticism than praise. Directed by Soroush Sahhat, the show is a blend of romance, humor, and drama that fails to deliver on all fronts.
The biggest issue with the show is its casting. The actors in the series are among the worst performers in the history of Iranian cinema. Their performances are wooden, lackluster, and often over-the-top, making it difficult for audiences to connect with the show's characters. This lack of compelling performances also detracts from the overall quality of the series, making it hard to be invested in the plot or care about its outcome.
Another issue with "Mage Tamoom Chand Ta Bahar" is its plot. The storyline is neither unique nor particularly interesting. The plot's predictability often leads to boredom, making it difficult for the viewers to stay engaged. Moreover, the repetitive gags, childish jokes, and lazy plot devices further harm the overall quality of the show.
Overall, "Mage Tamoom Chand Ta Bahar" is a forgettable comedy series that fails to deliver on its promises. The subpar performances by its cast mixed with uninteresting storylines result in a comedic series that cannot be taken seriously.