You guys im loving this!! Total drama is a long time favourite of mine and when I found out a new season is in the making I was excited but also wary. I was hoping it would be better than Pahkitew Island which is def the lowest quality of the newer seasons. This thing did NOT disappoint! The characters are actually fun and make their presence be remembered. Am I able to name everyone in Pahk Island? Nope. In Revenge? Probably. 2023? For sure!! I also love some of the designs. Damien is really cool and Scary Girl is a rebranded version of Izzy but creepier somehow?? Both the first and second season have fun challenges (except for THAT episode that we won't talk about. Yk the one I mean, right Ripper?). I'm hoping for a 3rd one, it would also be cool seeing older contestants but since it's 15y in the future they'd be adults now so that would be kinda odd I guess.