I don't understand the hate toward the production. It's an evening cop show, to cook and eat your dinner over)). It's really solid - it's truly Irish, sorry for y'all Marvel fans out there, there's no haste, loads of sipping whiskey, yeah, and headstrong RECKLESS PASSIONATE ILLOGICAL characters - just like the real people out there)))
Amazing cinematography, editing and music, great costume and production design puts you right there, in the rural back of this olde magnetic inexplicable country with stoic families, carrying generational trauma in silence and seemingly all them gorgeous landscapes - lakes, forests, meadows themselves are filled with dark secrets of the past.
Why hate on Ms. Dwan? Great performance - she's a GUARDA, people, not some sexy corporate lawyer or steaming under her hazmat cute pathology examiner)) Police are sorta hunting dogs if the regime, so they're intended to be rough, tough and a bit unnerving. Also also looks great in superskinny jeans and hipster variation of the biker leather jacket. I mean, loads of actors HAVE TO wear those, both on screen and irl, but very few have good proportions and measurements to really pull it off.
I didn't care much about the love life of the mme DI. You know what? It's actually GREAT, when there's NONE, dear screenwriters! Especially when the protagonist is physically attractive and mentally available. Family is one thing - dynamics, character arcs, good meaty stuff to propell the plot, to build the character. But sex for the sake of sex - even if it's something quirky, queer and such - oh please, c'mon, let's move on! Breaks the rhythm of the story and adds absolutely nothing.
Just muddies everything.
No need, really. We are all adults here, and we came to find the killer and give the silent victims of the crime justice. We can have a look at pretty naked people in other places and with way better outcome)))))
I'd rather watch the next season of Blackshore, than another "kiss kiss bang bang" Bond movie or political thriller where everyone talks like they're all on speed and everyone bends everyone else over, sometimes just for the sake of it. I know about the corruption and all, but i want to eat my pizza in peace and down my wine without risks of misunderstanding the plot)))
PS: the opening titles are just MARVELLOUS - simple, but very elegant visuals that pushes you towards the story immediately. And the opening theme song is sooooo sweet! It's not the greatest piece of folk rock you've ever heard - but it suits the story and supports the visuals in the same strong, but subtle manner. Looked up all i might - nothing. If anyone knows, I'd be delighted to learn the name of the artist, buy their music and maybe get a chance to see them live someday.