Given the short notice, short time filming, and short production, the movie ended up great! As I have read through some articles I understood that this is a private movie made by some people who wanted to inform the population about the life of our national hero. The point of this project was not to create a hollywood cinematic masterpiece using a huge budget, as user "av_zoloft" thought in his review. Any information about the movie and about how it is a documentary, was all over the internet, you need to only search for it.
The only downside is that the movie started a bit abruptly, at the beginning we are already during the revolution, with a backstory that was not easy to understand if you were not already informed about it. This can leave a lot of people confused, especially when they don't know why the revolution started.
It is not a typical docu-drama, there is also a narrator who jumps in to explain certain aspects between the scenes. Some people liked it, some people disliked it, but for me it was quite refreshing after all the other basic docu-dramas that I've watched. You could say it was more "docu" than "docu-drama", which as I mentioned feels refreshing, because most docu-dramas nowadays focus more on the drama part and forget about the documentary part. I prefer movies like these rather than pathetic movies like napoleon.
In conclusion, it is a good movie, worth watching if you are interested to see a documentary and you like history. It is not a movie to watch if you want to have fun with your friends on a night out, if you did that and got disappointed, it is your own fault, don't blame the movie or the producers.