Not as bad as the rating would suggest, it's quite abit better then I'd of presumed and going into this I was heavily excited. The location was fun, the funfair makes for some great looking views and scares, and ultimately it was more fun then it had any right of being.
The Mouse was scary, and he had multiple abilities that is what made him terrifying. And the fact he had a creepy smile, Hauntingly brilliant teeth, and a weapon made him a threat and made him seem scarier then he could of been. So fair play to the props team. Winnie the Pooh costume is also here, and his costume is fine, but what made him scary was his slowness, calmness and he could hit you at any moment and you wouldn't notice. The fight scenes between the villains added a nice spark.
The bad bits would be the story could have been more fleshed out, as theirs the kills and the final stage that took up quite abit of time, for me it would of worked more had it been more fleshed out and took that time to establish some of the folklaw of the villains, and some more material to work with, when near the villains as that would of given it the chill.
The script is great as you can really feel the characters are friends, and even the first part was also good and the scenes were played out nicely which was also good. The script was great but again it had of been better if they had more material to work with when the villains were near it would of been great, but it's still a good script so it deserves some props.
The Movie is short in terms of story, and simple to follow, but a more fleshed out film with more of the folklaw, with slightly more bonding near the villains and everything would of made it a Good film, but it's not bad and I think it's Average Entertainment.
I'd rate this film a 4 Because half of it is good, and the minor flaws and a few suggestions I made would improve the film. Not bad though, either.