Boring, to the point that "boring" becomes an understatement. In no way scary. Poorly acted. Dreadful effects. A complete waste of time.
The acting is mostly high school drama class level, starting with the priest, continuing with the "flashback" teens and right on through with most of the rest of the cast, reaching a low with the Entity (demon). Leah Cooper and Duncan Malcolm are fine, but the rest... no.
The Entity (Michelle Coverley) could use acting lessons... MANY acting lessons. There's nothing intimidating, scary or convincing about her acting. She's awful, almost as if she was trying to do a parody, but couldn't even pull that off. She's distractingly bad, and it makes you wonder how they could have watched her and thought that it was "good to go". Maybe if they had used some audio processing to add some menace to her voice she wouldn't have been so bad. Maybe. We won't know (thankfully).
The "effects" are a joke.
There's no way anyone likes this film with more than 3 stars without being attached to the film in some way, either as a cast/crew member or a relative/friend. There's just no way.
Basically, "low budget" is no excuse. If you can't afford decent actors, a good story, or decent effects, then you shouldn't make the movie in the first place. You don't get a ribbon just for trying. Don't do it if you can't do it right. And for the record, there are any number of low budget films that did do it right. This will never be confused with those.