Every now and then Hallmark comes up with a really unique idea for their Christmas movies and here is an excellent one. Kimberley Sustad and Benjamin Ayres play Kate and Don, who have been antagonistic with each other for years after a failed "date," but join forces to save Kate's family Santa school. The first half hour of this movie is hilarious. Sustad's wonderful talents for sharp and witty comedy are on full display and who knew Ayres
could be so funny - he's always good, but here he is exceptional. In the second half hour, you meet the ragtag Santa school students, and what a bunch they are. All funny, with their idiosyncrasies, including the real Santa who has lost his memory (played expertly and endearingly by Trevor Lerner), an old Grandpa (played nicely by Tom Pickett), a woman-Santa-wannabe (the always good Carmel Amit, willing to forego her attractiveness in this part), and a man who expresses himself through a hand puppet ! No kidding- but it's hilarious. And then the surprise - there's a very talented Hallmark regular playing himself in a very tongue-in-cheek performance as he goes to the school to research how to play Santa. We are sure he's not this self-absorbed in real life, but you can't tell that from some of the looks he gets from Sustad, his frequent co-star and co-writer in other Hallmark films. All of the other students are well played and funny. Plus, Allesandro Miro shows up with a funny performance as Blaise, the school's major competitor. This is all extremely well written and nicely directed by Lucie Guest with expensive looking sets.
But, many kudos have to go out to the casting director who engaged these marvelous performers for this movie. They all look like they really enjoyed playing these parts and, together, led by the terrific Sustad and Ayres, they carry it off to perfection. As an added bonus, the scenes between Kate and the real Santa during the last 30 minutes are touching and wonderfully played by Sustad and Lerner, with a gift given at the end of the film that is very special. A little Christmas "magic", lots of Santas, lots of fun, and lots of sentiment. The best of Hallmark's 2024 new season.