I've Watched it 6 times now. The musical accompaniment was artful....loved the blues connection. The charm was still there, even with a few character inconsistencies at the beginning. Shane had demonstrated several times in past episodes, most notably perhaps in "Higher Ground," presented some behaviors that I couldn't buy. Oliver was a fastidious manager. Rules were policy, and personal discretions that compromised the rules were handled with uncomfortableness. The scattering of her shoes, and her willingness to compromise the crib presence in the DLO.....wouldn't she save Oliver from discomfort by considering that? Were these behavioral aberrations an early clue to her later condition? If so, pretty subtle. Norman, Rita, and Ramone (sp?) were the most consistent characters. The writng for those characters was carried out with delightful idiosyncratic body language and delivery. Good to see Gregory Harrison there, such a good continuity link for all of the subplots, great guy. Eric is the kingpin of SSD, and his nuanced transformations in body language, tone, and delivery continue. Wow, I did not recognize Charlie. The confession seemed consistent, but pushing the baby carriage behind the two couples like a reluctant child...I don't know....guess that was some heavy reoccupation. The last third of the episode re-aligned all the gears, and presented a tease that only makes me wonder how looooonnnngggggg I'll have to wait for the next one. I need some good news on that....