Let me start by saying that it must suck for actress Desi Ivanova to get a part in a film that's the lead and then never say any words for the entire film. But then maybe this part was specifically written for this particular actress and made not to speak to get around a poor accent. So, the premise is that a woman of unspecified age (the only hints are that she is old enough to drive but hasn't yet gone to college) was mentally incapacitated in an accident and released to her family in a wheelchair, but after that it just stews in it for an overly long amount of time. Then somethings start happening. They are over the top insanely violent things... that happen completely off camera to characters we don't know. We never even see the end results, it's just people talking about something happening somewhere else. And then some things happen to some people we just barely know and don't care about. Then a woman with a tremendously thick accent shows up (Lavinia Postolache, the second actress from Eastern Europe, strangely enough) and claims to be a fellow high school student writing a college entrance essay about... some totally unrelated people? I don't even know if that's supposed to be really true, as she might have made that up for unspecified reason, or the writers just never thought about how stupid that sounds. And there are weird coincidences that you think might be hints as to why the weird things are happening, but, no, none of them are followed up on. What we do get suggests we were wildly off the mark and had no way of knowing. Or at least I think that's what it tries to do, as it's so incoherent nobody really knows. The writing is credited to the director (Vlad Feier - don't trust it if you see an American-sounding alias) and the lead actress (Desi Ivanova), which is probably the worst combination to be writing a film. It feels like they had some ideas that might be unsettling to watch but couldn't write a coherent plot connecting them. Or maybe this is one of these movies that never was intended to to tell a story but was really just an excuse to move some money around. That would explain quite a few things, anyway.