This has been called the most important video you will ever see. Is it? There is good reason for believing that claim to be an understatement. "Arithmetic, Population And Energy", also known as "Arithmetic, Energy And Population" is not a film as such but a classroom lecture, one the late Professor Bartlett is said to have delivered no less than seventeen hundred times.
At the beginning he tells his class he hopes to convince them that "The greatest shortcoming of the human race is our inability to understand the exponential function."
He will probably have convinced 99.999% of his students this is indeed the case; unfortunately for the rest of us, the politicians don't appear to be listening.
Mankind is already in deep trouble; if you want to do something positive about our predicament, you can begin by watching, listening and inwardly digesting the most important lecture delivered in the last Millennium or this. Then you can help spread the Gospel of Albert Bartlett, in particular his 21 laws of sustainability, to those who need to listen.