A trio of mixed race Asian school girls (replete with plaid mini-skirts) take revenge on the crime syndicate responsible for their gang rape in this sordid ultra low budget thriller.
The trio are a force to be reckoned with as they utilise their remarkable martial arts skills and newly acquired leather attire (it's important to look the part) to their advantage, seducing those who will bring them closer to redemption. Despite the outrageous plot, gratuitous nudity and sexual violence, the story is generally coherent and reasonably engaging if technically limited by the micro-budget. Overall it plays like a live-action semi-erotic comic, complete with inept crooks and bloody, over the top violence.
If you're up for topless katana fights, junk twisting sadism and even some soft lesbian bondage, then you're in for a good time. Everyone else be warned and stay well away.