If you're like me, you've been following the story of Naruto almost from the beginning, and you're in it 'til the end. Well, here it is: And it's a beautiful end, especially given how hard it was for our hero growing up.
Every bit of this film was crafted with loving detail, from the beautiful (if barren) landscapes to the nostalgic instrumentals that helped to narrate the beginnings of the story. Our characters have grown into wonderful, capable adults and the story does a decent job of tying into some of the unresolved plot threads left over from the manga.
The only real con is how many characters fight scenes were fairly short or excluded altogether (probably due to time constraints and to keep the narrative focused). The film is not lacking for action, but it's not as evenly distributed as it could be--however, this film is about Naruto, so it is natural that the hero receive the majority of the focus.
The characterization and plot were painstakingly revised and re-revised by the original creator, Masashi Kishimoto, and it shows--it shows so beautifully how our favorite characters have matured into adults, leaving an unbiased audience feeling a little wistful at the realization that these babies are no longer babies!
Please, if you were ever fond of Naruto at any point in your life, do yourself a favor and watch this movie so you can see his long deserved and well-earned happy ending. It's not only satisfying, but it helps you transition over to the next part of the story which should be coming soon.