This show has excellent plotting, acting, and strong themes. It's suspenseful and entertaining. It's also filmed beautifully. Other reviewers mentioned Dexter--there is a similarity with the crime scenes, but I think this show handles that element with more artistry than Dexter did, and also handles the main character's exploration of the darkness people are capable of with more elegance and certainly more complexity.
Most of all, it's an incredibly astute and surprising character study, not just of the main characters, but of an entire cast of weird and wonderful people. Not one character is stock. I can't remember the last time I deeply cared about each and every character on a show. Some of them I hated (one, in particular, is one of the most flawed and frightening I can ever recall on TV), but I cared what happened to them all and could relate in some way to even the most disturbing of them.
A great show. I can't believe I'd never heard of it before I saw it on Netflix and for some reason decided to try it.