All of the low reviews for this movie are most likely bandwagoners who want to seem cool and knock this film because it's a low budget. Indie film and doesn't have a lot of action. This is a PSYCHOLOGICAL movie and mind you, very creepy. It plays on a lot of our's worst fear, an intruder in our home, especially at night while we are sleeping. Or someone watching our every move. Ashley Benson also does a great job with her realistic portrayal of a girl who's just moved to another state to live on her own and doing some questionable and/or embarrassing things while alone, thinking no one is watching. And the ending, holy crap, I got chills all over my body, its so unexpected and scary and seems so real. This isn't nearly the best movie I've ever seen but I was glued to the screen, and I'm not afraid to say that, because they brought the creep factor and I was definitely paranoid after watching. If you scroll down you can see a lot of people rate this movie really well, before all these low ratings of "1" grouped together following each other like sheep. Come on, be realistic, this movie deserves much more than a 1. That is beyond exaggeration. I think if you like thrillers like this, you'll be in for a treat!