I have grown up in the area these people claim to be from. One of the characters is from my town, yet I do not know who he is. It is a town of 3500 people, so I find it strange that I don't even recognize his face. That being said, this whole premise of "if I leave, I'm excommunicated from the house, community, etc" is B.S. Ever heard of Dividends? Alaskans get close to $1k a year for living here. Guess what happens when they get that money? If you're in a village, you come to a hub community and even go as far as Anchorage. Most communities, regardless how remote, now have internet and are WELL aware of what is what outside their community. People in my town do not wear parka's (the fur covered jackets they wore to San Diego) outside of winter in the arctic. MOST people don't even wear them in bush Alaska for the most part; they wear common brand cold weather gear (read: Klim, Columbia, etc)! People like to pounce on the fact that people in these regions are uneducated by outside influences, or are completely unaware of how they are perceived, but I hate to spoil it for you folks; most people in the villages that are portrayed in this series have been to Anchorage, which has all the amenities of a bigger city in the lower-48. It is all staged, it is all fake and they look for people looking for an easy paycheck to sell out their community under the guise of "realization" of the outside world. As was previously mentioned, the fact that camera crews follow these people around for a while prior to departure says something. If you're an idiot, you believe they are genuine........but realize they get paid HANDSOMELY for appearing on this crap called a show. Same holds true for the popular Gold show. I have seen and heard producers PLAN fights or drama in the bars while they are not shooting. To think any of this "REALITY" TV is actually "real," you are misguided and need a HUGE dose of common sense. Long story long.............don't watch this crap..........it is NOT a representation of what ANYTHING is like in a village in bush Alaska. I live here...........and I'm aware of the true conditions present. This show makes a mockery of my existence.