2 May 2004
Nobody can sing a song like Gordon MacRae. If you like nothing else about the movie it is worth the time just to hear him sing. I think the movie was really good. It takes you back to a time that no longer exist and it has a good story line too. June Haver is beautiful and one of the best for song and dance. She and Gene Nelson trip the light fantastic in several numbers. I think they are just fun to watch. I may be a little over the top for some of you but one of my passions are the old musicals. Then you add in Debbie Reynolds as the cute innocent little sister and the movie just keeps getting better.

I have never seen a movie that S.Z. Sakall was in that wasn't very funny. He is without a doubt one of my very favorite actors. He made appearances in so many of the old musicals and as always was great. He and James Barton who played Dennis O'Grady were really good together. All in all if you like old musicals you should love this one. I just wish they would blow off the dust and get this one out on DVD, soon!
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