Not the best Mr. Magoo, but entetaining anyway
23 May 2001
This cartoon, nominated for an Oscar, is reasonably good, but not one of the better of the series. Well worth watching, the series is more noted these days for the furor generated by people who consider it an insult to the blind and those whose sight is impaired. I'm disabled and it is my considered opinion that 1) way too many people are too thin-skinned 2) far too many people are entirely too concerned about either hurting someone's feelings or having their own feelings hurt and 3) anyone who feels offended by a CARTOON neds to get a life. End of sermon. The Mr. Magoo series is essentially a one-note affair that at its best is marvelously funny and is usually at least well worth watching. Trouble Indemnity has its moments and is a fairly good short on its own merits.
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