I think "Brave Eagle" was kind of a response to "Red Rider" and "The Lone Ranger" in addition to being inspired by the movie "Broken Arrow" in which Debra Paget played "Morning Star." "Morning Star" was the name of a regular character in "Brave Eagle." I can't find "Red Rider" listed anywhere but I remember it as a TV series with Robert Blake as "Little Beaver" who was a sidekick to Red Rider. I was only 4 years old, so I suppose my memory is a bit hazy here. "The Lone Ranger", of course, had Jay Silverheels (who is also in the film "Broken Arrow") as Tonto. "Brave Eagle" was a show which featured Native Americans as something more than comical sidekicks. Never mind that Brave Eagle was played by an actor with a Norwegian name.