Monpti (1957)
The Best German Movie Ever Produced
18 February 2004
It is a widespread superstition that when a book is filmed, the movie is usually inferior to the book. The most probable explanation of this groundless idea is that many people have read this or that book, say, Tolstoy's 'War and Peace'. When they learn that the book has been filmed, they are induced to go and see the movie. And often they become disappointed. By contrast, only a negligible minority will first see a movie, discover that it is a filmed novel, and therefore read the book. I happen to belong to this minority. And I am capable of presenting a long list of books which turned out to be inferior. Gabor von Vaszery's novel 'Monpti' is merely one example among many others. However, von Vaszery also wrote the script for the movie. I have carefully studied every difference between the movie and the novel. It is my view that in each and every case the film version is superior if assessed in itself, while the book version fits more properly into the work as a whole. But I also claim that the film version is invariably so much improved, that only a formalist could prefer the book version. Besides, the movie is also superior whenever there is no obvious difference between both. - - - In my youth I thought that Romy Schneider is beautiful, but not more beautiful than many other actresses or even extras in her own movies. I also meant that she is a skilled actress but not more skilled than many others. Later, my fascination was caused by two movies, 'Monpti' and 'Claire de femmes'. I was 53 when I saw 'Monpti' for the first time. Whether or not it is a subjective idea, I still think that 'Monpti' is the best German movie ever made.
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