This cartoon got me hooked on Opera!
15 March 2002
With my speaw and Magic Hewmut! Magic Hewmut! Kiww the wabbit! Kiww the wabbit!

Immortal lines. Like those other famous lines: "Here's looking at you, kid." "Put your lips together and blow!" "I'm Woodrow Wilson, go to bed!" "How do you split a car in half!"

This little cartoon got me hooked on opera in general and is certainly the best Bugs Bunny around! There are no other!

And, if you never see it, look out for that horse! It takes a lot not to enjoy the sure absurdity of this story! If they ever give a DVD with just this ONE cartoon on, I will probably buy it.

Consider yourself exceptionally lucky if you lay eyes upon this cartoon! It's the crown jewel of classic animation! None of todays sci-fi recycled trash a la Pokemon-Digimon things come near the Wagnerian majesty of WHATS OPERA, DOC?
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