Gustavo Rojo is a quite credible young Caesar, but the film is virtually stolen by Gordon Mitchell in one of his better roles as Hamar, the magnificently brutish, cruel and macho sea pirate. The film is enhanced by Mario Petri, and briefly by Erno Crisa (much too young) as the chief conspirator, Sulla. A good brisk pace, glorious color and lots of action make this a very entertaining entry. The plot is based on actual historical events; Caesar really was captured by pirates and held for ransom on the island of Formacusa, and he was confident enough to offer higher ransom than was asked by the pirate chief, while subsequently vowing that if freed he would return to destroy their stronghold and see them all crucified. That pledge he eventually kept although much liberty has been taken in this film to add to the entertainment value, not the least of which is the lovely Abbe Lane as the ill-starred intended of the pirate Hamar.
Review of Caesar Against the Pirates
Caesar Against the Pirates
Rojo good, but eclipsed by an outstanding Mitchell.
15 February 2002