Review of Frosty

Frosty (1965)
To all of you Americans who saw this movie and did not like it
19 July 2002
Must see it with an open mind! And keep in mind that it is an old Russian folktale, it is an old movie 1964 and translation as always is oversimplified.

1) This is not a Fairytale it is a FOLKTALE and the difference is huge!!! 2) Yes – Russian folk contains the elements of cannibalism 3) Yes – it states that time is illusion 4) Yes – Good always wins over Bad 5) Please read any folktales of African, Eskimo, Native American cultures and you'll see that almost all of these tales possess the same elements: talking birds, animals and trees that are human in someway...

6) Did this movie seemed psychedelic to you? Maybe because Russian folk were influenced by intake of psychedelic substances (Agaricus - the beautiful red mushroom with white dots) just like many other old cultures were influenced with intake of hallucinogenics or fasting to alter their mind and reality. 7) Some one wrote – `I suspect that there was simply lots and lots and lots of vodka present at the making of this film. After all, they had to keep warm in the snow, didn't they?' – This is very sad! Do Russians drink alcohol? Believe me no more than people from other countries do! Unfortunately Americans grew up on stereotypes that were fabricated by propaganda. 8) This is one of my favorite movies of all times. I don't know what kind of comments were made by the crew of MST3k but now after reading all these commentaries, I can see that they completely butchered the movie. And people who referring to the bad dialogs – how can you judge when you don't understand Russian and translations are always over simplified… The perception on acting, I guess, is very different in every country, you not going to compare the acting in Hollywood movie and acting in a play that is shown in theaters, right? Well, acting in Russia is different than Hollywood's it is more theatrical. 9) And about poorly made – the movie was made in 1964, for god's sake! 10) Some one wrote – "Nastinka" is CUTE…' – well, it just shows what Americans expect of the movies to be and that is why Hollywood is full of `cute' but talent less actors! 11) And to all of you who wrote that this is a mix of other stories… Well, the sad fact is that Americans don't even know the original stories! Because they only know what primitive Disney made for them. I am not talking of Walt Disney he was a great artist. But the Disney studio is a shame to his name. Very surprisingly Americans don't even know that Bambi is not a Disney story – it was a book at first, written in 1923 by Siegmund Salzmann 1869-1945. I live in USA for 13 years and did not meet even one person who would know that.
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