awful is this?! A rock and roll remake of Girl Crazy with the Gershwin songs included and sung, almost trad style inbetween boppy gems from Hermans Hermits. There seemed to be a theme in the early to mid 60s of making Elvis movies without Elvis....just everyone else who might have managed a support role were all clumped together in some hideous alternate version of GIRL HAPPY or TICKLE ME or ROUSTABOUT because WHEN THE BOYS MEET THE GIRLS is the mashed potato version of any two reels (strung together) of those films. MGM specialised in them and we were gleefully offered WHERE THE BOYS ARE or GET YOURSELF A COLLEGE GIRL or COME FLY WITH ME or whatever film was thought of that sounded like any of the above titles. It all becomes a ghastly bag of singing jellies after a while. For some bizarre reason (like trying to please EVERYONE, Bollywood style) this pic also has Louis Armstrong and Liberace good for some completely inappropriate appearances......and I defy anyone not to be constantly appalled every 5 minutes. Connie Francis screeches her way whether singing or, well screeching, and Harve Presnell (about 11ft tall and 35years old and apparently still at college) fresh from THE UNSINKABLE MOLLY BROWN) gets a ginger hair doo and does his best to avoid sounding like Chad Everett who should have been in this instead. You will occasionally Hurrumph and mostly exclaim horror to whoever you watch this with. I loved it.