Review of The Trap

The Trap (1966)
Love this movie!
1 February 2003
I saw this movie on TV when I was probably about 11 years old (35 years ago!)--and I still remember it very well. There was a local station which, for one solid week, aired it every day--and I watched it every single day! Unfortunately, I haven't seen it since and I don't think it's available on VHS but I remember it being visually beautiful and plot-wise, simply spellbinding, full of action, poignancy and suspense. Rita Tushingham and Oliver Reed are amazing in this. It's such a shame that no one aside from real film buffs have ever heard of this movie. It's a little lost gem that seems to have gotten buried somewhere in the Canadian snow--but if you ever get a chance to see it, please do!! It'll be time well spent.
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