Joe E. Brown Flips, Flies and Twirls
17 April 2001
This is the first Joe E. Brown film I've seen, other than "Some Like It Hot"( which, of course, falls into a whole other category, that of "classic")and although it is a rather dated and pedestrian comedy of the 30s, it has a certain innocent charm. I especially appreciated the fact that he did most of the stunts in the film. He had been a circus acrobat embarking on a film career, and it is apparent. A subplot involving a female impersonator, and "Happy's" infatuation with her/him is not as outre as it sounds, becoming merely a prank played on him by the (clearly) masculine impersonator. Still, an interesting curio in terms of what was highly popular with moviegoers of the mid-1930s, and a movie younger kids might find quite hilarious.
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