In this cartoon from Disney we see Mickey, Donald and Goofy on a trip with Mickey's trailer. It is not a normal trailer, but one that can transform to many things. The room where Donald wakes up changes into a bathroom and then into a dining room. Goofy is behind the wheel before Mickey, who was working in the kitchen, serves dinner. When dinner is served the three start eating but especially Goofy forgets there is no one behind the wheel and the trailer is still moving.
This is a very nice cartoon, with terrific animation. From the start where the trailer reveals it is not a normal one and it can even create a beautiful scenery, to the ending, where the trailer and the car that pulls it are separated, this cartoon will give you a smile.
This is a very nice cartoon, with terrific animation. From the start where the trailer reveals it is not a normal one and it can even create a beautiful scenery, to the ending, where the trailer and the car that pulls it are separated, this cartoon will give you a smile.