"She Plays Chopin Delightfully"
21 November 2001
A wealthy man dies leaving a huge treasure in his personal tomb with seven interlocking doors and keys to be used to get into the tomb after a period of time after his death. Chamber of Horrors tells the story of avarice, murder, and intrigue that happens as a result of this tomb and treasure. This is a fun film with lots of suspense, classic hokey comedy, and some stellar character acting. The evil guy, named Dr. Manetta, needs one more key in order to get the treasure, and one Lili Palmer stands in his way as the real heiress to the fortune and possessor of the last key. Dr. Manetta dresses in capes, has a great aristocratic "foreign" accent, has a trained monkey perch on his shoulder and follow him on a leash, and collects horrific hardware, devices used for torture. He utters great one-liners left and right, saying to his henchmen about the shame in killing the young heiress,"She played Chopin delightfully." The actor playing this role in none other than Leslie Banks, General Zaroff from The Most Dangerous game. He is in just as fine form here and really breathes what life this film has in gale strength. Banks puts on an acting seminar as he waltzes through this role of sadism and wit. The other actors are all capable and seem to have some talent. The torture room is very impressive. A neat little, seldom seen film. Try it as a second feature after The Most Dangerous Game. Every time I watch Banks I wish he had done more films. He is just incredibly good at playing incredibly bad men!
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