Can't beat Tim Holt
20 March 2002
Tim Holt's postwar Westerns at RKO were as good as the genre gets. Fast pace, funny, action packed, well played by vet casts. Hissable villains, Richard Martin a hoot, Holt superb as hero and pal. I often went to the theatre just to see Mr. Holt's picture, no matter what the main feature was. Tim was so great in AMBERSONS and SIERRA MADRE, this musta been easy for him, but he never let it look easy. These little B Westerns were done with impeccable professionalism at all times, and the viewer reaped the rewards. DYNAMITE PASS is probably my favorite, but all of 'em were good. And only 61 mins long. Why, that's less time than Tom Hanks spent on the stupid island in that CAST AWAY picture. I give TONTO RIM 9 outta 10. For its milieu and genre, they don't get much better. Thanks, Tim.
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