"Blind Dead" tetralogy(1971-1975)is among the best and most famous Spanish horror films of their time.These movies are surprisingly well-made and creepy.The best feature of the films is their title menace:the Blind Dead,mummified zombies which rise from their graves to drink the blood of their victims."Night of the Seagulls"/"La Noche de las Gaviotas" is regarded as the weakest film of "Blind Dead" series(the other three movies are "Tombs of the Blind Dead","Return of the Blind Dead" and "Ghost Galleon").I think that this film is unfairly criticized-there is actually plenty of atmosphere here.Particularly effective is the sense of stoic dread that hangs over the village.Every seven years,these people must give up seven of their children,so that the others might live.Unfortunately the Templars are treated with far less mystery and awe than they are in other films.Still the climax is quite suspenseful and the Templars look terrifying.Overall I enjoyed this film,so if you liked this highly original and imaginative series give this one a look.