Grade B semi-documentary concerning life in the Arizona canyons. The first half shows a series of scenes depicting various predators and other critters, and deals with how the food chain works while weaving in stories of indian lore and legends. Some of the footage appeared to be actual events, while most gave the appearance of being contrived. Most notably the scream of the cougar was the same each time it happened. I would think the animal has more of a vocal range than that one "Yeow!" The final half used several actors to portray the life of sheep herdsmen and their interaction with the predators while telling the story of the locals fears of certain old ghostly ruins. Little dialogue occurred among the players due to Rex Allen narrating the entire production. Where the film's title came from is hazy, as Allen kept referring to "life in Cougar Canyon". If you have an interest in the southwest, this picture shows much of the area from Monument Valley to Canyon DeChelly; and, though not at the high end of professionalism, is not a bad little show.