an incredible overlooked movie
3 January 2004
i have looked for a copy of this film for many years. i was so happy the day i located it and have truly enjoyed it several times.

after seeing it, i could understand why the US would not allow it to be imported. there are many scenes that most will find offensive. most of which involve having a baby around during some of the sex scenes, which are fairly explicit - most with gerard's erection very apparent.

looking past the sex scenes, the movie is great. i truly enjoyed the idea of 'the penis rules the world' and that 'food is the comfort of the world' and how those two ideas combine to create on of the most shocking of all endings.

i will recommend this to all that have a true mature mind and can enjoy the 1970's style sexist attitudes without taking offense. of all of the movies i have in my collection, this is one that i very rarely lend out, i do not wish to take the chance of losing it!
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