When I was a kid way back in 1977 there was an article about this movie in a kids magazine called Dynamite. It looked so incredibly gross that it just had to be fantastic, right? Well, go forward to the present year, 2003. I'm channel surfing and lo and behold, I find that The Incredible Melting Man is coming on Flix!! Sure it's goofy, but I got kinda excited about it since I STILL remembered seeing pictures of this hideous guy with his face melting off in that magazine. OK. I really wasn't expecting much, but I must say, despite the terrible plot, acting, etc., the special effects weren't half bad. Definitely not a movie you could enjoy while eating a plate of lasagna or something like that. But, even the gross factor is overshadowed by the dumbness of it all. To quote a character in the movie, "The more he melts, the stronger he gets!" WHAT?? No explanation is EVER given as to why this guy has ended up this way or how it is making him stronger. And it has to have one of the most depressing endings I've ever seen in a Z-grade movie!! I'll almost bet I would have loved this movie had I seen it as a kid in the late 70's though. I guess that whole idea of what I thought it would be as a kid was ruined by actually seeing it. Oh well...