Review of Magnum, P.I.

Magnum, P.I. (1980–1988)
Sagging PI! Not!
4 January 2000
This show is a lotta fun, A and E started running it of late, and tossed in a Magnum Marathon New Years weekend. Very good! Love the 'Raiders' spoof episode, everything with Orson Welles making a cameo at the end(the Real Robin Masters, by the way..), Sinatra's guest starring role, TC and Rick, etc. Higgins was well played by a Texan if you can believe it too.

They do NOT make them like this anymore-what is the closest you can think of? Nash Bridges? And even that isn't up to par compared with Magnum. Fine cast, great locale, humour, etc. by all means, watch this on A and E if you get the chance.

*** outta ****, one of my faves from the '80s.
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