Review of Shogun

Shogun (1980)
The book is better, but not by too much
25 April 2004
I saw Shogun when it first came out in '80. I was blown away by the magnitude of this mini-series. It moved me as I hadn't been moved before by a simple TV program. It immerses you into the story in bitchin' fashion. Although it is fiction, writer James Clavell based it on in-depth historical knowledge of 17th century Japan.

It's a long ride (about 10 hours) but I very seldom got bored. This certainly hits home as a mans movie, with all the inherent violence and war that men do, but it also makes clear that women know men, and how to manipulate them. (Guys, they've had us by the short hairs for ages). I've heard there is a horrible 2 hour version of this floating around. Don't bother with that. Check the full 10 hour series to find out who pees on our hero, and why. (You can Google the answer to that, but don't, it will ruin the fun.)

I read the book in '82 and found out how much was missing from the series. Fantastic book! I suggest seeing the series before reading the book, as I did. If you read the book first, I'd imagine you'd be disappointed that the series left out so much information. But seeing the series first is a real eye-opener. I highly recommend it.
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