Review of Meantime

Meantime (1983 TV Movie)
A fustrated family
18 February 2000
Although this film was made in 1983 I have only recently seen it. It featured as part of a Mike leigh feature on TV last year. Once more these people are like real poeple not acters which is something I admire most about his films.The family in this film are all unemployed and are getting on each others nerves. They are living in a cramped house and are constantly rowing, this I think is down to fustration about the situation. They are taking it out on each other. The father keeps nagging his sons to go out and get a job whilst he does not appear to be making any effort himself. At least one of the sons did try to do something, that was until his brother stuck his nose in. Something I notice not only in this film but elsewhere too is that many people without a lot of money always manage to find money to smoke and drink.The sad thing is they haven't many other pleasures in life, these things are the way they relax and unwind . It perhaps helps take minds off their troubles for a while. I enjoyed this film, it is well made, well acted and a lot of research has gone into it.
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