Plotless, pointless and just plain painful
16 May 2004
Terribly tedious and hopelessly unfunny film about three pranksters (proudly identified as such during the opening credits) strolling down the streets of Florence. Thats all they do. They walk a bit, they talk a lot and they pull pranks on each other and on passers by. One of them is a crazy woman with a pigeon obsession, the second a crude unshaven slob and the third a mama's boy. One 'memorable' montage features them pinching the behind of everybody else who passes by. That's about as funny as it gets. Not even the beauty of Florence can save this.

Two of these practical jokers sport unsightly early Eighties perms while all three of them wear nauseating fashion statements from that era. On top of this we are constantly treated to a voice over by a disc jockey who puts on some of the most horrible pop music ever performed. Naturally the stupid pigeon fetish culminates with a totally unrelated fantasy sequence and a hideous electronic fanfare. There is no point trying to fast forward to the good bits since there are none to be found.

Zero out of ten
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