Review of Score

Score (1973)
Very interesting
7 April 2004
A swinging couple (Claudia Wilbur and Gerald Grant) seduces a straight-laced couple (Lynn Lowry and Casey Donovan). That's about it for plot, but the movie is fascinating. It was made long before AIDS (and, ironically, two of the actors later died of the disease) so there are no boundaries on what the couples will do and there's no moralizing on what is right or wrong. That's the great thing about the movie-it doesn't judge. I saw this years ago at a film festival and was just astonished. It's hard to explain WHY I liked it but I did. It dealt with sex roles, male and female sexuality, bisexuality in an uninhibited and fun way.

As for the sex...there's not much. I saw an uncut version and while somewhat explicit, it's tasteful. There's a man/woman coupling, and two long lesbian and gay sex scenes. In fact when this came out in 1973 it was a bomb. It was X but it wasn't explicit enough for the porno crowd or intelligent enough for the "intellectual" audience. Now it's being realized for how good it is.

It's beautifully shot in Yugoslavia, has great dialogue and all the acting is good. Also the cast is attractive and look great with their clothes off. It's available uncut on DVD (previous versions were edited) and well worth getting.
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